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Well, here we are…. Everybody fell off his/her chairs, a big BANG was heard everywhere in the small community – “They are back, they are back” !! Mosés had to go on oxygen, Capt Cold Beers needed some heart pills and the guy who would be our first carpenter, danced and danced for hours long. The party was complete ! And with it, the confusion… it started with the arrival of the owner of the land… Holy Mo, Mosés, you told all was ok ?? Mr Assunção wanted to know of our intentions, well – those were clear, but we needed his help. He was very generous and turned out later to be a big friend, very good BBQ maker and had a very nice sister but that’s a different story… We could build the boat, built our little shed to live in and all he wanted was the house when finished. Well… that’s a good deal ! The second one was the wood; Valmé was contracted. After Mark´s long calculating hours and explaining detailing sketches of what we needed and how it was supposed to be cut, he was off in the big jungle. Now we could get the wood for the house and that was another adventure: sóó hard !! The nails where flying sky high in the beginning ! All needed to be pre-drilled. A smack in the budget; hundreds of 2mm drills… 3 little rooms of 3×4 and a tool shed on the left, the galley on the right, the manual water-pump close to the shower behind the galley. All perfect !! Budget-wise a toilet was too much and could be done all around and the bigger jobs, in the river. In the dry-season you needed a good timing: the acceptable dept in the river was fááár away…

Our first wood delivery from Valmé (in Dutch nicknamed “Valniemee” which literally is “not easy”….) was a total disaster. Too much white wood and unusable. It wasn´t a worry for Valniemee because those lumps where so big, he easily could resell them. For us it was 3 months down the drain and a lot of explaining to do again how the wood need cutting and more sketches. But finally, he came out of the bush; a big pig transport boat full of huge pieces Itauba, the best a men could wish for ! PIC ! Whatta party it was that night after dragging it all on the beach… The molds already have been made from the templates taken from the loft floor and the fabrication of the frames could start; Oh Gloria !! It was so much joy to finally work on your dream, finally, finally, finally and the spirit was rocketing high !! And Valniemee had seen the light; he kept on coming with first class lumps ! In roughly a year, the little beach looked quite different PIC and started to draw attention. The mayor wanted to know, the local media was sniffing around and even students from schools and universities were invited to came around. The Tocorimé was becoming a local attraction !

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